Getting clean, safe water to drink didn't always used to be so easy. There was a time when people boiled absolutely every drop of water they used to drink and cook with. Even then, they would sometimes get sick. Water borne … [Continue reading]
Working toward a more self sufficient life and trying to be prepared for the unknown.
Sometimes life throws you for a loop. Then tosses you another. Before you know it, a year has gone by and you feel like all you've done is hold on to … [Continue Reading]
There's a lot of overlap in the communities of homesteading, prepping/self-reliance, and survival. Each genre has similar end goals: self reliance and … [Continue Reading]
Some people may find it surprising that I'm pretty much the same as they are: those who read my blog, that is. They come to be entertained, learn … [Continue Reading]
Over the last year, I have really started to notice a growing trend. At first, it was a news story here or there, usually talking about someplace far … [Continue Reading]
Horses bring a variety of benefits to homesteads, whether by plowing fields or by providing compost for gardens or farmland. If you’re considering a … [Continue Reading]
Getting clean, safe water to drink didn't always used to be so easy. There was a time when people boiled absolutely every drop of water they used to drink and cook with. Even then, they would sometimes get sick. Water borne … [Continue reading]
We have made a lot of small changes in our lifestyle over the last two years or so. At the time, it doesn't seem like much of a big deal but then six months pass and you realize how much your routine has changed. One of our big overall goals is to … [Continue reading]
Absolutely everyone I know uses dried food and spices in some way. Think about it: Who doesn't have garlic or onion powder, parsley or oregano in their spice cupboards? How about pasta or rice? Dehydrating, or drying if you prefer, is another one of … [Continue reading]
Self sufficiency. What is it, exactly? Dictionary.com defines self sufficient as "Able to supply one's own or its own needs without external assistance," and, "Having extreme confidence in one's own resources, powers, etc." Personally, I think it is … [Continue reading]
Recently, I have gotten very interested in learning about alternative fire starting methods and several of you have also expressed a desire to know more. I knew we would be going on a hunting trip that would have us camping outside in freezing … [Continue reading]
I took the opportunity on our first hunting trip to test out some new gear and get reacquainted with some gadgets we have used only a few times before. To paint the proper picture: We were tent camping inland and at a higher elevation than we are … [Continue reading]
Mister Dreamer and I went on our first hunting trip last week. Even though we were both raised here in rural Alaska and have seen hundreds of deer hanging in sheds and garages over the years, we had never gone out hunting for our own meat … [Continue reading]