I always have a water bottle on me. All.The.Time. Since giving up soda pop (I miss the bubbles sooo much), I’ve taken to being one of those women who haul around a reusable water bottle like an extra appendage. I also EDC a water filter or always have one close at hand and it has come in handy more times than I can count!
First off, I know it seems a little odd to most people to carry a water filter with them. I carry a backpack everyday and it has all sorts of bits and bobs in there that have shown me an EDC bag isn’t just for disasters! When it comes to the lifestyle I live, not to mention where (rural Alaska), an adventure or afternoon hike can lead you to places you didn’t expect! Having water, and the means to reliably filter more, is a big deal and this is the first reason I carry one.
We have tried both the LifeStraw and the Sawyer water filters. For us, we much prefer the Sawyer system for several reasons.
- Smaller
- Filters more
- Comes with cleaning system to purge the filter
- Comes with a heavy duty plastic bag that can be used for gravity filtering and water storing
They are roughly the same price. I go into more details on different emergency water filter solutions in another article. The purpose of this one is not to compare different options, but more to discuss the importance and ease of having one close at hand, if not carried everyday like I do.
Water is life. Without it, you won’t last more than 3 days. This is my second reason for carrying a water filter. Most people don’t consider how much water they really use in a day, a week, or a month. Between hygiene and cooking, not to mention lawns, car washing, and laundry, the average person uses 80 – 100 gallons of water per day! (source) So, it kind of makes sense that we should take some simple steps to increase our chances of having access to safe, potable water.
Last year, my husband and I took a 3 mile hike (one way) to a lake. The hike itself isn’t too bad – there is a boardwalk and stairs for most of it. There are some good elevation climbs here and there but when you’re out of shape…let’s just say we went through the water much faster than we’d thought we would. We had 3 liters between us but by the time we made it to the lake itself, we were out.
It was pouring down rain, which helped for a swallow or two. Of course, we were prepared with our Sawyer filter and Kelly Kettle (reviewed here) so it wasn’t the end of the world. We didn’t have to worry about getting sick from drinking unfiltered (and boiled!) water.
The third reason I carry one on me, or have access to one at all times, is because it’s small and easy, so why not? I don’t care one iota what other people think of me. They can think I am some crazy prepper or survivalist all they want. I know I will have clean and safe water – something taken for granted by most in the United States. I would rather be in charge of my own needs and being prepared to meet those needs is something I take seriously. Water is kind of a big deal for us to survive and grow.
All joking aside, there are more good reasons to carry a water filter with you than there are reasons not to. The bottom line is when you need a water filter….there’s usually a pretty good reason. Preparedness isn’t just for some major natural or man made disaster. It’s for dealing with the malarky that comes after the disaster. Water is just as important as air and that is why I will not be caught without my water bottle and filter!
WANT MORE!? Follow the links to see what a few of the Prepared Bloggers always carry in their EDC. Would you feel safer with these items close at hand?
Shelle at PreparednessMama always carries cash, find out why and how much she recommends.
John at 1776 Patriot USA tell us the 5 reasons he thinks his pistol is the essential item to have.
LeAnn at Homestead Dreamer won’t be caught without her handy water filter.
Justin at Sheep Dog Man has suggestions for the best flashlights to carry every day.
Bernie at Apartment Prepper always carries two knives with her, find out what she recommends.
Nettie at Preppers Survive has a cool way to carry duct tape that you can duplicate.
Todd at Ed That Matters tells us about the one item you’ll always go back for…your cell phone
Erica at Living Life in Rural Iowa knows how important her whistle can be when you want to be safe.
Todd at Survival Sherpa always carries 3 essential fire starters wherever he goes.
I’m doing training on EDC next month for HRP. I will post your article to the event page. I agree, a mini Sawyer is the best EDC for water and water is key to survival.
Thank you Kregg! Been awhile. I hope all is well in your world! 🙂
We are doing good. Just keeping any eye on the crazies out there in Europe and Asia.
I am lost without a waterbottle! I don’t have one with a filter, but I love that idea especially for hikes where you don’t know how the water supply with be. (I also had to look up what a EDC was! I’m learning the lingo!) Thanks for sharing on the Waste Less Wednesday Blog Hop!