Hello Saturday Serial and Jimmy Walker fans….
So, as the title states, the third book will be postponed for a couple months. It’s summer, and I need to get food planted, fish caught and in the freezer, and try to have some fun, too. Yes, I can hear all of you groaning at the least and shouting at the screen at the most. It stinks, I know. Hello life, thank you for interrupting my plans.
Part of the unique experience of the way these books are being written is the relationship with the author and my relationship with the fans who read and vote. I’ve gotten many messages and had conversations with several of you over the last 3ish years that the trilogy has been going on for and I expect that I will “hear about this,” too. That’s OK. I know none of you mean any ill will, you just want MORE STORY! The thing is, I am getting burnt. A book a year is not a small feat. Just consider how many years you’ve waited for other books. At least I don’t ask you to wait 5 years or anything ~ not that I claim my storyline is so good as to cause anyone to wait that long anyway haha! (Just being realistic here).
I don’t want to “force it” for several reasons. The first is I don’t have time to tend to family and whatnot, plus write. The second is, quite bluntly, I don’t want to write a crap book just to get it done. The third volume is the last in the trilogy and I want it to be a GOOD ending. Not just pay lip service to a happily ever after expectation. Also, there is at least one more trilogy that is set in this ‘universe’ where IT Happened to be written, if not more. I need to ensure that things are left open enough to be able to write more about how people from different regions would face entirely different challenges. People in Alaska will have different challenges than those characters we have come to know and love in Michigan did. I want to do it right, not just toss something out there to appease the masses. I don’t write this blog or those books to “get rich.” I do it because I love it. If it was all about the money, there would be ads all over my site and I would try to sell more stuff on a daily basis through my affiliate links on Amazon and whatnot. That is not why I’m here. I LOVE to write and I thoroughly enjoy writing the books because I get to interact with those who actively participate. I also love to share knowledge and help people see that they can also be more self sufficient without breaking their backs or bank accounts.
When will it start up again? After summer is over. I would say in September, after Labor Day. As a tech during the day (and wannabe homesteader/author at night) for a school district, summers are incredibly busy as we get all the tech ready for the next school year. I also have my father’s memorial trip in June, a trip (hopefully) in July, and a much needed mini getaway in August. I had originally hoped book 3 would be done by now and in the very lengthy editing process for a November release but that will not be happening. In fact, I don’t expect Book 3 to be published and available until after the holidays.
To avoid these kinds of issues, future Saturday Serials will begin in the Fall versus January 1st like they’ve traditionally been. The process will go through the winter (I figure it’s something nice to look forward to during the cold months) with the book being published the following Fall. This will ensure that I have enough time to keep the commitment, have less chance of burning out, and give some breathing room for me to properly edit.
Thank you to all the fans of the blog, serial, and books! I’m sorry to let you down now, but it’ll be made up for with a good and proper ending that will hopefully stick with you long after you put the book(s) down! <3
I’m looking forward to more Jimmy Walker!
Looks like you have made a few changes to your site and I really like the new look.
Take care and I’ll be watching for more JW!
Where’s Jimmy?
TRying to find the time to get back into the world, review notes and finish up the trilogy with a good ending. Bit of writer’s block, too. 🙁